A quick refresher on QR codes (Quick Response Codes) for the uninitiated. QR codes are a very useful tool for pointing people to more information about your product.
You take a photo of the two-dimensional bar code with your phone and you are automatically taken to the web site that is embedded in the code.
This only works with smartphones such as the iPhone, BlackBerry or Droid phones, but these are the most popular phones these days.
What is the added value of the hassle of scanning a QR code? The challenge is going to be figuring out what the user wants when they are scanning and are we giving it to them. Is it information? Is it a coupon? What can I give the scanner that will prompt a next step? What are the expectations? Am I adding value?

Here is way how to let the visitor decide, if he wants to scann the QR code, by taking a sneek preview of the mobile web page:

Mobile sharing with "Delivr".
Share your mobile-friendly Delivr URLs with friends and fans across several popular services.
Delivr generates a QR Code for each mobile-friendly URL. Distribute them where your audience can see and scan them.
Example for leskovac.tel:
1. Visit This Page

2. Share it
Share your mobile-friendly Delivr URLs with friends and fans across several popular services. Select one of the icons to get started.

3. Scan it
Delivr has generated the QR Code for your mobile-friendly URL. Distribute it where your audience can see and scan it.

Create and share your mobile-friendly Delivr page:
Link to the main Delivr website:
Visit, Share And Scan Mobile Websites.

Generate QR-Code reader:
Kaywa QR-Code Generator
Tags: 2D Code Advertising, 2D Code Marketing, 2D Codes, Mobile, Mobile Advertising, Mobile Marketing, QR Code Advertising, QR Code Marketing, QR Codes
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