QR-Code for "dot-tel-domain.tel"
A quick refresher on QR codes for the uninitiated. QR codes are a very useful tool for pointing people to more information about your product.
You take a photo of the two-dimensional bar code with your phone and you are automatically taken to the web site that is embedded in the code.
This only works with smartphones such as the iPhone, BlackBerry or Droid phones, but these are the most popular phones these days.
Quick Response Codes (QR codes), are the easiest and fasted way to acces a mobile webpage, or mobile website, or a piece of information, on a smart phone (mobile phone with internet access).
For Dot Tel usage, the QR-codes, should be either displayed on a mobile site, or on a paper business card.
Or from all sorts of stickers, from T-shirts, through shop windows, from print media (magazine pages, adverts), etc., etc.
It is easy, to access and read/scan the codes, from smartphone to smartphone, and to read the info on the smartphone.
Get QR reader:
i-nigma reader
Kaywa reader
Glass reader
Generate QR-Code reader:
Kaywa QR-Code Generator
How to provide a QR-Code on your Dot Tel domain:
Create a separate folder (sub-domain) and upload the QR-Code within the logo space of the header.
Name the folder something like: "Get QR-Code for this domain".
Get QR-Code stickers:
Get QR-Code T-shirts:
Other ideas:

Where to print:
Offline .Tel name branding:
Create your business cards, online, with your .Tel name on it, at "goodprint".
Nice quality, and good service:
A dotTEL business card image can be saved for linkage from your website!
Print one off, read it on your cell phone, let it dial your number. QRCode Readers here.
Learn more about QR codes in this video.
Zazzle.com will print and ship unique QR Code .tel business cards.
Online form:
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